Resume Your New Zealand Application

Welcome back to our service, which is designed to help you effortlessly continue your New Zealand visa application where you left off. No stress if you have to pause—our platform is here to guide you smoothly through the rest of your journey. Let's get you ready for your New Zealand adventure with ease!

Don't Let Incomplete Applications Hold You Back

Having to pause your application process isn't uncommon and is often due to the unavailability of necessary documents at the time of application. Once you have gathered the required documents, resuming your application is straightforward and secure.

Here's How to Proceed:

  • Enter Your Temporary Application ID: This unique identifier was assigned to your application when you started. It looks something like this: NZ0000000ABC. Please make sure to enter it exactly as it appears.

Following these steps, you can swiftly continue your application process without starting over. This will save your time and get you closer to finalising your travel plans.